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NEW for 2016-2017! Calm the Chaos! Ever gotten to a place in your life where you wish you could make it ALL just go away for awhile? While there are seasons of life that are busier than usual, our sense of peace, calm and control can remain intact no matter what when we learn to trust God to lead us. "Calm the Chaos!" is a message designed to offer hope to women living a stuck, limited, stressful, or overwhelming life. This practical and inspirational 45-minute teaching will help women identify why their lives are chaotic at this time and give them tools for how to change that, all centered on God’s perspective for what that might look like in their unique life situation. We CAN live the full and abundant life He says we can! This presentation will show you how.


Choose To Stop Believing Everything You Think! 

Our thought life has a huge impact on our daily activities. What kind of impact is it having on you? In this session, Stephanie teaches on the importance of examining our thought lives and choosing for ourselves what to believe: the world or God's Word. Our choice will make all the difference in whether we live the abundant life Jesus says we have in Him or not.


Courageous Presence 

Stressed out? Overwhelmed? NOT looking forward to Christmas at all (or any other day for that matter?) S.T.O.P and consider this: all your planning, all your desire to make things turn out as you think they should could be contributing to all that stress! In this presentation, Stephanie shares how we each have a choice in how we use the time we are given each day, and it begins with choosing to stop planning and Start Trusting in God's Overwhelming Presence instead!


Be You, Bravely 

Courage seems to be something only those who exhibit extraordinary acts of heroism have... or is it? In this presentation, Stephanie shows women just how courageous they are every day and inspires them to take the most courageous step of all: trusting God with everything they have in order to let Him lead them into the courageous faith they long for.


Beautiful Mess

Do you know you are a masterpiece to God...even with a messy house, a crazy schedule and spit-up all over your shirt? In this presentation, Stephanie shares encouragement to let go of trying to keep it all together in favor of letting God keep it together His way for you. Filled with personal humor as well as Biblical truth, this presentation is for any woman struggling to trust she is as amazing as God says she is.

Speaking Topics for 2016-2017

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