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Relevant Pages Press, The Author's Champion!

  Relevant Pages Press, LLC is an AUTHOR-FOCUSED independent, hybrid publishing house. We look for manuscripts with inspirational, positive, and uplifting content. (The world needs a little more of all of that, don’t you think?) All our books are available in trade paper and ebook, with audio books soon to come.


         As authors ourselves, we know success comes when we put our support and resources behind the authors themselves. That's why we've built RPP around their three biggest needs: encouragement, education, and marketing support. Our authors also support, encourage, and promote  each other, raising the level of everyone’s success.


         If you are interested in working with Relevant Pages Press, please fill out the submission form HERE and let us know a little bit about you and what you write. Let’s start the conversation. We’ll let you know if we feel you are a good match for RPP within 30 days. We want this relationship to be mutually rewarding. 

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