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I'm a bit of a mess... and proud of it!


"Messy attempts at courageous faith" is a good descriptor of the life I lead. I am a Jesus lover, which is a messy adventure in itself, but I also have a husband, two teenagers, two crazy dogs, and I am trying to launch a career as a speaker and consultant. So... life is pretty messy to be sure.


But I am in love with every minute of it...well, maybe not the teenage angst that pops out from time to time, or when the dogs want to go out, in, out, all. day. long,  or when I am trying to figure out how to do something I have no idea how to do but I believe it's what I am supposed to do anyway... but the rest of it? I really do love.


I love my husband of almost 20 years (1995) in spite of the wild ride marriage often entails. I love my crazy kids even though they drive me nuts. I love my ADD-ridden dogs who bark at everything because they adore me most of all. I even love how I have had the opportunity to live in three different time zones (The Bay Area, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, and currently Weldon Spring, Missouri), even though today the beach (my absolute favorite place in the world) is currently too far away, along with many friends and all of my family.  


I love my Jeep, especially with the top off and the radio blaring country or contemporary Christian or Bon Jovi. I love good coffee, good chocolate, and a good glass of wine. I love being out of doors in nature when it's sunny and warm, and holed up inside near a fire under a comfy blanket when it isn't. I love good friends, deep conversations and laughing. Yes, I love laughing.


But most of all, I am in love with Jesus. He is my Refuge when I must experience storms. He is my Rock when I must face fear. He is my Redeemer when I mess up, offering me the grace I often cannot offer myself. I try to follow Him as best I can each and every day, which always leads to the unexpected and, for this recovering "wanna-do-it-all-perfectly, planned-to-the-minute super woman," the unexpected can be quite a shock at first, but the adventure is always worth it. 


And that's I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I KNOW that no matter what, I will be given the strength, courage, and grace to accept the adventure of tomorrow. If you want to experience the ride with me, check out Everyday Grace (my blog) or A Call to Courage (my podcast) where I share my messy attempts at courageous faith one step at a time. Or, consider contacting me about speaking to your MOPS or other women's group (you can find my 2015-2016 speaking topic list HERE).


I'm closing this page with a series of some of my favorite verses. I hope they move you as much as they move me:


Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.  He is able to do immeasurably more than all you can even ask or imagine!  God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 


(Proverbs 3:5-6, Ephesians 3:20-21,1Corinthians 1:9)

From the top: My family in Florida, Scott and I in Chicago, Me and my daughter Taylor at her prom, my son Christopher playing soccer, my crazy dogs Farley and Murphy, my family in Saint Charles MO, and me in my jeep :0)

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