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Who Will Beneift from My Services:

  • Aspiring authors who have an idea but no idea how to start. 

  • Aspiring authors who want instruction and accountability for creating an outline with which they can complete their book.

  • Aspiring authors who need accountabilty to map out an outline/ strategy to comlete their book.

  • Aspiring authors who want accountability throught the writing process from start to finish.

  • Aspiring authors who want strategies and instruction in building an author brand.


Coaching Details:

(Since there are many types of writers, from inexperienced non-writers to master writers, our initial consultation call will determine which type of choaching best suits your needs.)

  • 1 45-minute Initial Consultation call

  • 6 1-hour Connections (by phone or in person) per Session

  • Customized plan for each Aspiring Author's needs

  • Personal email communication between connections


Sessions Can Include (modified to fit each individual aspiring author's needs):

  • Schedule Management Strategies

  • Project Management

  • Writing/Life Balance Strategies

  • Outline Strategies

  • Strategies for Defeating Writer's Block

  • Target Audience Clarification

  • Chapter Organization 

  • Concept Clarification

  • Fear Management

  • Publication Information

    • self-publishing vs traditional publishing

  • Branding and Author-preneurship

  • Platform Building



 $249 Each 6-Connection Session


Write Now! Aspiring Author Accountablity is a custom coaching program designed to take aspiring writers from idea to completed manuscript through a series of calls (or meet-ups), instruction, and strategic steps to take you through your writing journey.

"I've had the desire and even a concept to write on for years, but never made any progress.  The task seemed to big, and the project too overwhelming. WRITE NOW gave me the accountability, encouragement, motivation, and even the strategy to keep moving forward when I felt stuck.  I wouldn't be where I am today without Stephanie! A.DeLoach, Aspiring Author

"Stephanie’s ability to customize her consulting process to my specific project, and also to my current season of life, is extremely valuable to me. She’s been down the authorpreneur road and she “gets it.” Having experience in publishing her own book means she brings wisdom to know works and what doesn’t, and she has a well-defined roap map that enables me to move confidently from concept to writing to publishing. Working with Stephanie also brings accountability to the process which, to me, is the #1 critical success factor for anyone who wants to publish. The passion to write a book is great, but passion won’t get it done. You need strategy, structure and time targets—all of which Stephanie brings to the coaching experience. She’s bold to challenge me, eager to encourage me and—above all—she believes in me. Working with Stephanie enables me to say: I. Can. Do. This." K. Broska, Aspiring Author

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